18th Annual Bison Baseball Alumni Day – Sept 16, 2023
Come out and help celebrate 84 years of Bison Baseball!
- inviting any former alumni who played Clearfield Baseball at any level! (varsity, junior varsity, Teener league, Babe Ruth, Legion, Little League)
- Alumni not required to play in the game – just come and reunite with former teammates and coaches
- Always a great time!
Saturday, Sept 16th, 2023:
- 11:00 AM – Report to Penelec Field (512 Arnold Ave.) for caps and teams
- 11:30 AM – Warm up and batting practice
- 12:20 PM – Photo session (group, individuals, brothers, father/son, etc
- 12:45 PM – Homerun Derby
- 1:30 PM – First Pitch
- 4:30 PM (approx) – Dinner! At Copper Cork (formerly the K of C picnic area) (spouses, girlfriends, companions are welcome) – followed by social hour until all stories (true or untrue) have been told!
Donation: $35.00 (cap, food, drink, membership in Clearfield Baseball Association)
If unable to attend, a $25.00 donation will give you a 2023 membership in the Bison Baseball Alumni Association.
Any checks should be made out to “Clearfield Baseball Association”. Donations should be mailed to: Jeff Kavelak, 614 Park Ave, Clearfield, PA.
Any questions or concerns please contact any of the following:
- Sid Lansberry (‘64) at 814-762-4512 or lansb@penn.com
- Donnie Shimmel (‘84) at 814-553-6146 or dshimmel@clearfield.org
- Jeff Kavelak (‘87) at 814-765-5088 or jkavelak@clearfield.org